By developing and designing products, interiors, buildings and environments that are dressed with social design we aim to take our role. And because we play it this way it makes us happy. Every day you live in one of our locations you create a day of fair living for the people far away in countries where it’s not that comfortable.


Creating SOSial Spaces empowers people here and there. A lot of the products we use in our projects are made in developing countries. Making these products gives the people there a fair wage to let the children go to school and offer them a healthy meal.

We want the people there to have there own house. A place where they can live safe to raise their children. We invest in housing for the poor. A part of our yearly result is invested in housing the poor in far away countries.


For managing our projects we work with people with a distance to the labour market. In this way they expiring self-esteem. They are part of the system what makes them worth full. We offer them a safe place to work. Together we design products they can work on.